Plan summer activities for kids at home with this printable summer planner! The planner includes daily themes with suggested activities for each day of the week plus a summer chore chart to keep your home fun and organized all summer long.
Oh, summer. How we love you and hate you. Weeks and weeks full of endless days sounds like bliss on that last day of school. But let’s face it that by the 2nd week of summer break, your house needs a little bit of organization and some control of the chaos.
If you want to keep your home in a state of fun but still with a little bit of order, then you are in right place! This summer planner is just what you need. Take some time at the beginning of the summer, each month, or each week to plan out each day with a fun activity with the weekly planner. You can also keep track of weekly chores and summer appointments.

Keep the house organized with the printable daily chore chart. The chore chart will remind your kids to do the simple things like getting dressed and brush their teeth.
How to Use Your Summer Activities for Kids Planner:
Print out the first page for every week: You need 1 sheet for each week of the summer. You can print these all at once and plan your entire summer or you can do it week by week. You will fill 1 out for each week. Let the kids help or do it yourself.
Print out the 2nd page to use all summer: The 2nd page is the master copy are your theme days! The theme is the same each day, every week. But don’t worry we’ve got you covered with ideas. Post this on your fridge or frame it in a cheap dollar store frame so the kids can see it. This way they won’t keep asking you what you are doing today.
Print out one copy of the activities on pages 3-7: These are the lists of activity ideas. You can do straight down the list from 1-13 in order. You can choose from the list randomly. For some surprise fun, cut out the ideas so they are on single strips. Then put them in a jar or bag and pick a random out for each week.
Below are some ideas for your days that correspond to the suggested activities by day. You can also check out 25 Fun Summer Activities for Kids for more ideas!
Here are some of the craft projects listed in the Summer Planner Use a kitchen sponge and felt to make 4 different flavors of toy food cake slices. Your kids will love these self-filling water ballons! This recipe makes a delicious white bread that will rival any store bought bread you've had. A few basic ingredients with very little hands on time makes this bread a great way to treat your family to homemade bread.Monday Craft Projects
Homemade Toy Food Cakes for Kids Kitchens
Tuesday Water Play
Water Balloon Fun
Thursday Baking Day
Never Fail Easy Bread Recipe
Use the daily chore chart to keep everyone on track: Our summer schedule is much more laid back than our school days. But you still want kids to brush their teeth and get dressed. Print one for each kid or have them initial each day. You can laminate this or put it in a frame. Use a dry-erase marker to mark off chores. Wipe clean at the end of each week.
Hopefully, this summer planner will help keep your family having fun while keeping you sane this summer! Join our newsletter to get your printable planner for free.