Make a wine cork snowman with old wine corks, glue, paint, and an old sweater. This snowman is cute for Christmas or all winter long.
Make a wine cork snowman with old wine corks, glue, paint, and an old sweater. Wine corks are painted white and glued together in layers to create a round snowman head. A piece of twine secures the corks. This snowman is cute for Christmas or all winter long. Black buttons and orange felt are added to make the snowman face. Use an old fleece blanket or scarf to create the snowman’s winter hat for his head.
We have two sizes of snowman heads you can choose from – small and large. The red hat is the larger one and the blue hat is our smaller one. We also have two different options for their hats. One is made with fleece and the other is made from an old sweater. Mix and match and make your own set of snowmen.
If you drink a lot of wine, save the corks for some fun wine cork crafts. Start off the fall with these Wine Cork Apples. Decorate your Christmas tree with homemade Wine Cork Snowman Christmas Ornaments and DIY Wine Cork Angel Christmas Ornaments. For your mantle or shelf, you can make these adorable snowman decorations. The nice thing about these guys is that you can really keep them out all winter long.
DIY Wine Cork Snowman Crafts
Wine Corks, both real and synthetic work fine
- 37 for the big red hat head
- 19 for the small blue hat head
Craft Glue
White Acrylic Paint
Paint Brush
Black Buttons
Orange Felt
9 x 12 piece of fleece or an inexpensive fleece blanket
Hot Glue & Hot Glue Gun
Jute Twine
Instructions for the snowman head
There are 2 ways to paint the wine corks and both work fine. You can paint each cork first, and let it dry, or you can attach them together and then paint them. You may need 2 coats of paint. For this head, we painted corks first.
Protect a flat surface with wax paper. To make a large head, lay out 37 corks, good side down (the side that is flat and doesn’t have a divot, or big divot from the corkscrew). Start with 1 row of 4, 1 row of 5, 1 row of 6, 1 row of 7 (the middle) and 1 row of 6, 1 row of 5, 1 row of 4.
To make a smaller head, lay out 19 corks. Start with 1 row of 3, 1 row of 4, 1 row of 5 (the middle), 1 row of 4 and 1 row of 3.
If you didn’t already paint the corks, this when you would do so. Paint the good side of each cork and let dry completely. You may need 2 coats.
Begin to glue the corks together. Start by gluing the row, 4 corks in one row, 5 in another row, etc. Apply a thin strip of hot glue and attach the corks together.
Once you have all 7 rows together, affix the rows to each other with hot glue by adding a liberal amount of where one cork makes contact with the other cork. Press together until glue is set.
For the smaller, head do the same thing but adjust for lesser corks (3 corks in a row, 4 corks in a row, etc). The small head only has 5 rows total of corks.
Wrap twine around the corks about 3-4 times to secure them. Tie with a knot and trim ends.
To make a fleece hat:
Cut a 1/2″ strip off of the long end (12″ edge) of fleece. We used a fleece blanket so the edges were finished with stitching. Set aside.
Fold the fleece along the 12″ edge up twice, creating about a 2″ brim of a hat.
Place the fleece around the snowman head.
Glue the ends of the fleece together with hot glue.
Take the 1/2″ x 12″ strip of fleece and tie it around the top of the fleece to create a hat.
Trim the string and top of the hat if desired.
Attach buttons with craft glue and cut out a orange carrot shaped nose and attach with felt to the front of the snowman. Secure the hat to the snowman with hot glue if desired.
To make a sweater hat:
We used an old cable knit sweater to make a hat for our smaller snowman. But you can also make a fleece hat.
Cut an arm off a cable knit sweater. Turn it inside out. Secure the cut open end with baker’s twine, thread/yarn/string and tie tightly, double knotting.
Turn the sweater right side out and roll the cuff of the sleeve of the snowman up twice to create a hat.
Place onto the snowman and secure with hot glue if desired. We glued some foam snowflakes to the hat for a fun addition.