Spring Break is almost here and summertime is right around the corner. Whether you’re thinking about a getaway in an airplane or a car, traveling with kids can be a stressful thought. Don’t let it!
We’ve got some great tips for travel with kids to keep your children engaged, busy and happy while strapped into their seat.
Right out of college I took a job working for a tour operator. I thought I had applied to work as a secretary but it turned out that I actually had a job doing customer service for anyone taking trips to Africa and the Middle East. Thanks to that amazing job, I had the opportunity to travel often. I loved traveling!
I still love to travel, but traveling with kids in tow can really hamper wanderlust! Over the years, we’ve found ways to make travel with kids easier and even fun. Check out these ideas to keep your kids entertained while traveling and get out on the road.
10 Tips for Travel with Kids
If you have multiple kids, divide snacks up into snack-size bags ahead of time and then put all of the snack bags into one quart Ziploc. This way, when it’s snack time you only have to pull out one bag instead of hunting for multiples (and it avoids bickering over which snack is wanted by which child). This is also handy if you are driving and you can just toss the bag to an older sibling and have them divide up the snacks among the rest of the crew.
Best Travel Tips With Toddlers – A fun list of ideas to help you keep your kids entertained during your travels
Road Trip Must-Haves – Some great ideas to help when road tripping with your kiddoes
Must Have Items To Have In the Car – I agree with her list 100%. We also carry extra wipes, Ban-Aids, grocery bags and our own potty.
No Fail Anti-Boredom Car Kit for Kids – Looking for several activities to help your kids pass the time? This car kit includes great ideas for things to do AND things to eat. Win-win!
Travel Activity Tray – I have to admit, I have traveled quite a bit with my children and never once did I think to use a Lego mat and magnets to build the greatest kid activity ever!
Travel Craft Sticks – Another easy craft to help kids flex their brain muscles and pass some time
DIY Dollhouse – Build a car-sized dollhouse out of a soda box. Really.
Travel Tic Tac Toe – An easy printable that will keep kids busy.
Every Kid in a Park – If you have a fourth grader, you have probably heard that they can get a free annual National Parks Pass But what to do when you get there? Some great tips are found here.
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