Make a clothespin craft shark puppet with your kids for Shark Week!
Every June a channel on TV shows an entire week of shark related programs. My kids are absolutely fascinated with Shark Week! Of course, we also live in a desert with no water in sight so sharks aren’t exactly real for them.
But it’s still a fun week and they learn a lot about sharks.
For weeks following shark week, the kids talk non-stop about sharks. I thought it’d be fun to make clothespin shark puppets for them to engage a little more with their shark knowledge.
This craft is easy enough for little kids to help make and older kids to make on their own with some guidance. After Shark Week my kids knew about all different kinds of sharks. It’d be fun to make a bunch of different puppets that look like the different sharks.
Shark Clothespin Craft for Kids
To make clothespin sharks, you will need:
White and blue paper
Googly eye
Cut the head shape of a shark out of the blue paper. You can free hand the head or use a template. We just kind of free handed it.
Place the blue head on the white paper, trace and cut out. This is the top and bottom part of the shark head.
Change the blue to black and make a killer whale! Did you know they eat sharks?!
Cut two ig-zag pattern strips from the white paper for teeth. Pinking shears would work great for this if you have them! They’d give the shark some fun teeth.
Glue teeth on to the back of the white and blue pieces of paper.
Squeeze a line of glue onto the side of the clothespin.
Place the blue cut out on the top and the white on the bottom part of the clothes pin. That way when you squeeze the clothespin open, the pieces will separate and look like the shark’s mouth is opening and closing.
Glue the googly eye on and the shark is ready to roll! Or bite. Or eat. Or whatever it is shark’s do best!