Give classroom doors an extra flair with printable classroom door hangers. Use the door hangers to tell people when your class is at specials. Celebrate birthdays and other class-wide accomplishments with special celebration door hangers. Choose from 2 do not disturb designs for test days, silent reading, or whenever you need less disruption. You can also create your personalized door hangers with a blank template.
Printable Classroom Door Hangers
If you know a teacher about to return to school or want a thoughtful present for Teacher Appreciation Week, these door hangers are a fantastic option. They’re functional, charming, and most importantly, they show that you recognize and appreciate the challenges and joys of teaching.

Printable Classroom Door Hangers
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Specials, Lunch, and Recess Door Hangers
Let others know when your class is at art, PE, lunch, the library, music, or enjoying recess. Each of these designs is colorful, visually engaging, and unmistakable, making it clear at a glance what’s happening inside (or outside) your classroom.
Celebration Classroom Door Hangers
Classrooms are places of celebration. Birthdays are big events in a student’s life and create a wonderful opportunity for a class to come together and celebrate. That’s why we’ve included a special “Birthday” door hanger. Hang this on your door, and let the entire school know it’s a day of joy and festivity in your classroom.
You can also celebrate the entire class with an inspirational “We are a bright bunch!” door hanger.
Do Not Disturb Classroom Door Hangers
Sometimes you need a bit of quiet in your classroom. Perhaps you’re marking papers, or your students are concentrating on a test. For these moments, use two “Do Not Disturb” door hangers. While we can’t promise they’ll keep all the disruptions out, hopefully, they will help.
And because we know that teachers are creative, we’ve included two blank door hangers. These are perfect for those special classroom moments unique to you and your students. Customize them as you wish—perhaps with a motivational quote or a significant phrase—and add that personal touch to your classroom door.
How to Use the Door Hangers
The door hangers are best printed on 8.5 x 11″ white card stock using your favorite printer. They are easy to cut out using scissors. We do suggest laminating them for longer wear.