Learning doesn’t just happen in workbooks. Check out these board games for pre-schoolers and toddlers.
Board games are some of my favorite presents to give. Not only are they fun, but most have at least a little bit of educational value. Plus, they are a great way to get the entire family to spend time together or just spend one on one time with your favorite little guy.
Finding board games that toddlers and pre-schoolers love, but that don’t bore older siblings or mom and dad to death is hard to do. While some of these games are still more fun when you’re under 7, we think that most of them are fun enough to keep the entire family interested
The Best Board Games for Pre-Schoolers and Toddlers
1. Let’s Go Fishing – I’m not gonna lie. The reason I love the game so much is because toddlers and pre-schoolers can play this all by themselves! I love playing games with my kids, but having a game like this around that keeps them busy and is screen free is AMAZING! We went through 2 of these games and I always gave them as gifts to friends!
2. Go Fish – It’s easy to play and it’s portable so it’s a great game to take on the road. Plus most kids 3 and up can play it with ease. This is a great game to play while waiting for food to arrive at a restaurant, too! Perfect for stockings.
3. Guess Who? – This was a new game for me when one of our kids got it as a gift. Our entire family loves playing it even now that the kids are older. This game is appropriate for Kindergartners and older.
4. The Original Memory Game – You can’t go wrong with this classic! I remember playing this with my best friend in elementary school for hours on end. Great for ages 3 and up, this is always a favorite with the pre-school crowd.
5. My Little Pony Chutes and Ladders – Why play plain Jane chutes and ladders when you can play with ponies instead? This is the classic kid game with an upgrade to Pinkie Pie and friends!
6. 6-in-1 Games: Frozen Edition: With classics like Bingo, Crazy 8’s and Dominoes, this box of games has something for everyone. Rated for ages 3 and up, this will provide hours of game playing fun.
7. Elephant’s Trunk – This game looks super cute for ages 4 and up. No reading required! Be the first to pack up Emmet’s trunk and you win!
8. Take the Cake – Who doesn’t love a game about cupcakes? This cute games helps little ones 4 and up with fine motor skills and shape and color recognition. Did we mention cupcakes??
9. Hiss – This is a colorful card game for ages 4 and up where players work to collect the most snakes. Play time is only about 15 minutes so it’s short enough to keep itty bitty attention spans engaged.
10. Little Red Riding Hood Deluxe – It’s hard to find a logic and sequential learning game for toddlers and pre-schoolers, but this is the one! It’s geared for ages 4 and up and includes 48 challenges. This is a single person game so it’d be great for older siblings during nap time or even only children.