Love Peeps and looking for a fun way to showcase them this spring? A Peeps cookie cake is ready in less than 30 minutes thanks to our sponsor’s new Nestle Rolled and Ready cookie dough.
One of my favorite spring treats are Peeps. I love the fun shapes and colors. But I don’t like marshmallows. Yup, true story! So I never eat Peeps, but Peeps on cupcakes, cakes or anything else? Adorable! When I ran across this very large Peeps cookie pan, I had to have it.
I am a lazy baker. Sometimes I enjoy the process of baking from scratch, but most of the time I’m looking for an easy short cut. So I’m kind of loving Nestle’s Rolled & Read Sugar Cookie Dough. People, the cookie dough is already floured. It is seriously ready to go. You can just pull it out, and start cutting with cookie cutters. Or you can do what I did and make a Peep.
I picked up this Peeps cookie pan and the Nestle cookie dough at Walmart (but the pan is on Amazon!). The pan came with the pink sugar and black frosting so I also picked up a neon pink ready made frosting. You will also want to spray the cookie pan with some cooking spray before putting the cookie dough in for easy release.
The Nestle Rolled and Ready Cookie Dough package has two sheets. I used one entire sheet and a little chunk from the second sheet. You could pick up some Peeps cookie cutters and make some smaller Peeps cookies, too.
Gently rip apart the cookie dough sheets and press in to the Peeps cookie pan. Bake at 350 degrees until soft and puffy. Mine baked for 12 minutes in the toaster oven.
I forgot to grease the pan so I had to do a little prodding to get the cookie out but it did come out in one piece eventually. Allow the cookie to cool completely. Then set it on a sheet of wax paper. Frost and then sprinkle liberally with the pin sugar. Add in eyes with the black frosting. You can use the wax paper to easily put the sugar back in the package for another cookie.
And that’s it! The frosting didn’t get a smooth as I would have liked. I think piping on royal icing would give a smoother finish.
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